With network mode imports, one doesn't need any intermediate dump files (GREAT, no more FTP'ing of dump files). Data is exported across a [[database link]] and imported directly into the target database. Example:
oracle> sqlplus /as sysdba
SQL> create user test identified by test;
User created
SQL> grant connect, resource to test;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant read, write on directory dmpdir to test;
Grant succeeded
SQL> grant create database link to test;
Grant succeeded
SQL> conn test/test
SQL> create database link testnew connect to test identified by test using 'orcl.oracle.com'(SID.domain.com);
Database link created
oracle>impdp test/test DIRECTORY=dmpdir NETWORK_LINK=testnew remap_schema=a111(source database schema name):test remap_tablespace=a222(source database tablespace name):a3333(target database tablespace name)
All work is performed on the target system. The only reference to the source systems is via the database link.